Picto thématique

Rule n° 163 - The website offers an internal search engine.

The search engine is, along with the site map, menus and the link back to the home page, one of the fundamental means of reorientation and access to information. Make it present and easy to access.

#Basics #Accessibility #Conception #Navigation #Eco-conception


  • Provide users with an alternative navigation solution and fast access to the content associated with the keywords.
  • Improve the accessibility of content for people with disabilities.
  • Reduce the energy impact related to the consultation of the site.


Provide a simple search form function, whether it's an internal solution or by incorporating an external solution.


On all the pages evaluated or by checking the site templates (subject to pages dependent on third-party solutions being taken into account):

  • Manually check that search engines are systematically present.

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