- Improve the speed of the page’s rendering.
- Reduce bandwidth costs.
- Reduce the energy impact related to the consultation of the site.
Activate the server's Gzip or Deflate module to compress JavaScript, CSS and HTML resources.
For each page checked:
- Check the content compression (Gzip) using a dedicated tool.
Be careful to check all of the linked elements (CSS, JS, HTML) and not just the page itself. Formats such as JPEG or PNG images or zip files which are already compressed, for example, should not be recompressed. If
the size before compression of an element is less than 1 kB, it is not necessary to compress it, because the size might increase.
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The objective of these rules and the Opquast community mission is ‘making the web better’ for your customers and for everyone! Opquast rules cover the key major areas of risk that can negatively affect website users such as privacy, ecodesign, accessibility and security.
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