Picto thématique

Rule n° 105 - Each request for information is followed by an acknowledgement receipt.

Once a form has been sent, can an Internet user be really sure that his or her request has been taken into account? A simple acknowledgement of receipt email removes this doubt and reassures them.

#Basics #Accessibility #Development #Editorial #Identification and contact


  • Inform users that their requests have been received.
  • Give users a confirmation receipt of their request for information, which they can save.


Ensure that the validation of each contact form or information request triggers the sending of an acknowledgment of receipt to the sender. This implies of course that the email address entry field is compulsory in each form.


Using a contact form or the email address indicated:
  • Send a fictitious request for information using a real email address
  • Check that an acknowledgment of receipt is received at this address.

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