Picto thématique

Rule n° 104 - The operating hours and prices for the services made available to users are indicated.

A website is usually open 24 hours a day. Support services, after-sales services and hotlines rarely have the same hours. Include this information on your website to avoid unnecessary calls.

#Conception #Editorial #Identification and contact #Eco-conception


  • inform users of the services that are available to them and how they work.


Indicate the operating hours and prices of the services available to users.


On at least one of the following pages: the home page, the legal notices page, the help page, the terms of service or the terms and conditions page:

  • Check that the operating hours and prices of the services available to users are indicated.

By Opquast - Read the license

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The objective of these rules and the Opquast community mission is ‘making the web better’ for your customers and for everyone! Opquast rules cover the key major areas of risk that can negatively affect website users such as privacy, ecodesign, accessibility and security.

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