Picto thématique

Rule n° 72 - The label of each form field indicates the maximum number of characters allowed, where applicable.

Have you ever posted a message and had an error when sending it, or worse, realized after sending that half of the text you had written had disappeared? If this is the case, you will easily understand the value of this rule, which consists in specifying the limits in number of characters.

#Accessibility #Conception #Development #Forms


  • Preventing transmission errors forms.
  • Preventing data loss.


For each field subject to a specific limitation on the number of characters that can be entered, indicate the maximum number of characters in the field label, or in a statement explicitly associated with it in the HTML code.


Check, for each field subject to a specific limitation on the number of characters that can be entered, that the number of characters allowed is indicated in the field label, or using a statement explicitly associated with it in the HTML code.

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