- Allow users to maintain control over their work environments and prevent cut-offs or losses of information while reading, particularly for users with screen readers whose functions would be interrupted by a timed refresh or redirect.
- Do not penalize mobile users trying to access content when their network signal is variable over short periods of time.
- Prevent unwanted increases in the cost to users of using mobile data.
Do not use the http-equiv="refresh"
meta element.
Provide the user with a way to disable any automatic refreshes and redirects which are created:
- in JavaScript;
- using an
object, embed or applet
element; - or using a
HTTP refresh header
Find out more:
For each page checked:
- Using a code inspector, check for the absence of the
meta element. - Check that viewing the page does not reveal any automatic refresh or any client side redirection that cannot be deactivated previously through the website interface (without having to use any functionality specific to the browser).
The http-equiv ="refresh"
meta element can easily be found by looking at the source code of the page. On the other hand, the diversity of JavaScript automatic refresh devices requires a check to be carried out by consulting the page in the browser. This control can be facilitated if the browser has an option prohibiting some of these refreshes and then displays an alert banner. But the only certain way to find them is by looking at the page.
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The objective of these rules and the Opquast community mission is ‘making the web better’ for your customers and for everyone! Opquast rules cover the key major areas of risk that can negatively affect website users such as privacy, ecodesign, accessibility and security.
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